
Trying github theme for website using file and Dinky Theme.

This project is maintained by philsaurabh

Hi there, I’m Saurabh!

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My Digital Footprints 🌱

I am full stack developer and ML enthusiast looking to solve real world problems. I have a passion for learning and sharing my knowledge with others as publicly as possible. If you found value in something I have created, please do ⭐ the repository.

I am visible on multiple platforms with the name philsaurabh(Lover of Saurabh 😄)

What I am learning/working on these days(Click to see the list) - Machine Learning and Full Stack Development
- Hackerearth
- Hackerrank
- Quora
- Working on open source projects.

Languages and Tools:

Visual Studio Code HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React Node.js MySQL MongoDB Git GitHub GitHub

Connect me on 🤝

Note: Please do not spam on the above mentioned email/profiles.