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Saurabh Sharma |IIIT-Gwalior | Web Developer | Programmer | Tabala Player | Looking for Internship

About Saurabh

Saurabh is currently studying INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY in Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior. He has enrolled for IPG course in which both BTECH and MTECH will be completed in five years. He is also an amateur Tabla-Player.


I am currently looking for internship for role of Front-End developer. My aim is to contribute effectively to the organization with my aptitude for problem solving skills and energy to work as in a team while gaining experience and sharpen my skill sets. My passion lies in building scalable, high performance frontend solutions and have a good understanding of UI technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JSON etc.

Linkedin Github
Contact Info.

Phone No. : +(91)-8821987084

Mail id : tavalkarsaurabh@gmail.com


# Skill Area Knowledge
1 Programming Language C, C++, Java, MATLAB
2 Web Technologies HTML , CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP
3 Frameworks & Library Bootstrap, AngularJS, JQuery
4 Version Control Systems Git
5 Operating Systems Windows, Linux
6 Other Relevant Skill SQL, Microsoft Office, Wordpress, Mathematica, Photoshop, Video editing

Area of Interest

  • Web Application Design & Development
  • Data Structure
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Operating Systems
  • Big Data (Beginner)
  • Machine Learning (Beginner)


Institute / School CGPA / Percentage Year
Integrated Post Graduation (B.Tech + M.Tech) ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management,Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 7.86 2014-Present
Intermediate Seth Motilal Khedia S.D. Inter College, Kanpur, UP (UP Board) 92.2% 2013
High School Seth Motilal Khedia S.D. Inter College, Kanpur, UP (UP Board) 86.7% 2011


Developed responsive frontend of a Restaurant web site using Bootstrap framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Website uses bootstrap support of navigation, breadcrumbs, jumbotron, modal, carousel, well, panel, responsive tables etc.

Features: Menu, About Us, Advance table Booking, Login, Contact Us

Github Link: Restaurant Website

B.Tech Project using MATLAB. It is basically, dvoted to the analysis of propagation of malicious code within networks.

Features: use of MATLAB for graphical analysis, use of Wolfram Mathematica for quantitative analysis of data

Github Link: Malicious Code Dynamics

Personal Book Library which uses Google Books API where one can search for a book and add books to your library for reading in future that they liked on the basis of short summary of book .

Features:ExpressJS server side framework, STRIPE API used for payment

Github Link: Book Seller Website

Developed website using wordpress and deployed it on given link. It consists of some of my blogs on content writing and photography.

Features: Wordpress technology

Website link: My blog

Developed an IoT base home appliance system, in which light, fan and other appliances were controlled using mobile app.

Features: HC-05 Bluelooth module and Arduino control, Embedded C/C++ coding

Github Link: IoT App

Developed a single page webpage for my resume using Bootstrap 4. I have used breadcrumbs for easy navigation within my resume, Jumbotron for displaying the about section, objective. I have used responsive table and fluid image so that they can be easily viewed in any screen size. To display projects in intact and clean manner use of Accordion is done.

Features: Resume using Bootrstrap, fluid image, breadcrumbs, jumbotron, responsive table, accordion.

Github Link: Resume using Bootstrap

Achievements & Participation

  • Certification of Front end development from freecodecamp.org
  • Certification of Front end development from Coursera
  • Diploma in core java from Aptech Computer Education
  • Diploma in Computer Information technology from UNITEC professional computer education
  • Topped School (92.2%) in the 12th Board exam (UP board)
  • Topped School (86.7%) in the 10th Board exam (UP board)
  • Topper in academics in school (Class 1-12)
  • Graded ‘A’ in Database Management System, Industrial Economics and Bio System Engineering.

Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Oraganizer of Parichay 2K15 (Intra college event)
  • 1st position in essay competition in “Ek Bharat, Shresth Bharat” Event (2017)
  • 1st position in translation competition in “Hindi Pakhwada” Event (2014)
  • 3rd position in poetry writing competition in “Hindi Pakhwada” Event (2014)
  • 2nd Position in Tabala Playing (Sangeetanjali, Kanpur) (2013)
  • 3nd Position in Tabala Playing (Sangeetanjali, Kanpur) (2014)
  • “Sangeet Prabhakar” Diploma degree holder in Tabala(2014)
  • Champion in “Ram Charit Manas Antyakshari Compitition”(2005-2012)
  • Passionate about Music, History and Academics.